I'm Mugdha Pradhan

founder of ithrive - healing & beyond
The world’s first platform for integrated Functional Wellness.

How I Got Here

Going from my people-pleasing, self-loathing, obese, socially anxious settings to becoming an independent, confident, and determined solopreneur didn’t come easy.I transformed every part of myself, took the warrior’s path, and let go of whatever stood in the way of my evolution.I can now help ease you into a journey of beautiful metamorphosis into your happiest self. But it wasn’t always like this…

The Story Begins with Self-Hatred

I had led my entire life being socially anxious, depressed, exhausted, and eventually, financially broke. I felt inadequate, and I hated my body and myself. These issues would seep into adulthood as I attempted to force myself to fit into society’s pre-programmed norms.

The System Failed Me Time and Again

I tried desperately to live up to society’s expectations of a woman, wife, and mother. But the impact of being in a loveless marriage with no support as a young mother would take its toll on me. I grew obese, permanently fatigued, suffered from brain fog, was depressed, and turned to cannabis to numb the pain.

I didn’t realize how failing to see the broken nature of society and my toxic relationship with food was impacting my life. I looked within the mold of conventional wisdom – diets, therapy, gymming, office, family – you name it! But nothing worked.

And Yet, Hope Found A Way

Looking for alternative ways to help myself, I discovered Functional Medicine and transformed everything – I left my crumbling marriage, returned to India, lost 37 kgs in a year, reversed my autoimmune condition, healed my depression, and realized that now, life had begun making an upward curve.

I Created iThrive in 2019

Seeing my evolution, the people around me reached out for help with their health in 2017. Two years later, I founded the world’s first integrated wellness platform: iThrive - Healing & Beyond.

Rebellion is Not Easy

I was virtually on my own, save for the very few close friends who supported me through this time. Despite everything, I kept my vision and succeeded in setting up a platform to fulfill it.
It’s difficult to break out of the comfortable walls society forces onto you – but the fruits of radical liberation are worth the sacrifices. Now, I strive to help others awaken to the reality of their potential and true purpose.

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